Root Galaxy ace plus GT-S7500

I have just bought anew samsung Galaxy S7500 (300LE) ; It comes with android 2.3 pre-installed. and many applications I don't need.

So I wanted to remove these pre-installed apps like : chaton , Gogle Talk ..etc
I found the following article describes step by step...
First of all you have to install the cwm recovery v and extract
Download and extract
Now Open Odin3 v1.85.exe
"Auto Reboot" and "F.Reset Time" must be checked and "Repartion" must be UNCHECKED
Now Click on PDA and select cwm-trebon.tar.md5 That you have extractedTurn Off your phone and Boot into Download Mode by Pressing Volume Down Key + Home Key + Power
Press Volume Up to Continue
Connect your Phone to PC
Odin3 will detect your Phone and The ID:COM Box will turn yellow
Now hit "Start" Button in odin to begin the Flashing progress
After flashing is done the phone will reboot and you will see "PASS" in Odin
CWM is now successfully installed and you can unplug your phone

Follow these steps to root your device:
Download the supersu package ( and copy it to your external sdcard(DON'T EXTRACT)
Boot your Phone in CWM mode by Pressing Volume Up + Volume Down + Home + Power
Now in cwm press "Install zip from sdcard" than "choose zip from sdcard" and select the zip file than "Yes" to install
Wait until cwm finish the process and navigate to "Reboot System Now"

That's It!Your ace plus is successfully ROOTED!!
Note:The yellow triangle at boot is not important so ignore it.
Press THANKS if i helped You!!
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اطمئن على عينك عبر الانترنت مجاناً

 كل يوم يطل علينا   الاخ/ راغب أمين  باخبار جديدة و خدمات مجانية يمكننا القيام بها عبر الانترنت لتوفر علينا الكثيرمن الوقت و المال.
اخر هذه الخدمات كانت بخصوص فحص العين عبرالانترنت ؛ ولان مقالة الاخ/ راغب أمين  كانت عبارة عن مقطع فيديو يقول ان الرابط يوجد في اخره المقطع.
فلم اصبر حتى مشاهدة الفيديو و قمت بجولة في الويب للبحث عن فحوص مجانية  عبر الويب للاطمئنان على صحة عينيك.
و وجدت موقعين :
- الموقع الاول خاص بشركة كارل زيس الالمانية  و يقدم اختبار جيد و شيق و يقيس معايير نظر مختلفة(عبارة عن ثلاثة اختبارات) ؛ ثم في النهاية يقدم لك عدة نصائح و عما اذا كنت بحاجة لعدسات ام لا؟ [Online Vision Check]

- الموقع الثاني و هو موقع  أجنبي مترجم يقدم اختبار واحد من ثلاثة من اختبارات كارل زيس السابقة.
و يتميز انه يعطيك مقياس لحدة البصرة [اجراء فحص النظر]

و هنا لاننسى وصية ابن القيم في زاد المعاد حيث أورد :
قال الشافعي : أربعة تقوي البصر : الجلوس حيال الكعبة و الكحل عند النوم و النظر الى الخضرة و تنظيف المجلس
و أربعة توهن البصر : النظر الى القذر و الى المصلوب و الى فرج المراة و القعود مستدبر القبلة

اللهم متعنا بالنظر الى وجهك الكريم...امين

طرق استرجاع هواتف XPERIA X8 X10 W8 بعد اخطاء تركيب الرومات

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وجدت الحل في هذا الموقع العربي
فلم أضطر  لتحميل ستوك روم او نحو ذلك ؛ كل ما هو مطلوب هو تحميل برنامج Sony PC من الرابط  ؛  , و توصيل الهاتف لترك البرنامج يقوم بدوره....

Remove Ads from Kindle very easy....

Amazon will probably drop a nuclear bomb on my house for this. Here’s how you can get a COMPLETELY AD-FREE Kindle 4 (non-touch) without paying a single extra cent to Amazon. Your Kindle will behave EXACTLY as though you purchased the Ad-free version.
Tested on Kindle 4 non-touch with latest OS 4.0.1. Theoretically, should work on older OS 4.0 also. Actually, steps x to y were tested on a 4.0 device, but the steps before that were never done on the device (It was never connected to the internet before doing this hack.) Theoretically this may even work on the Touch and Touch 3G version and other ad-supported Kindles.
START FROM STEP 1 if you have already connected to internet, registered your Kindle and thus got ad loaded on your Kindle.
SKIP TO STEP 10 if you have never connected to internet since you got your Kindle (That is, your Kindle is currently behaving as “ad-free” without even the “Please connect wirelessly to download sponsored offers” message, and is currently unregistered.)
It may seem lengthy but trust me it’s quick to do. Just give it a full read to mentally plan out what you have to do, then start doing it.
1. Connect Kindle to PC and allow USB mode.
2. Copy out the “documents” folder and any other content you may have loaded on your Kindle. [“Copy out” means copy to your computer’s hard disk so that you can copy them back later.]
3. Disconnect the Kindle from the USB cable.
4. Wake your Kindle if needed. From Home screen, press Menu, go to Settings.
5. Press Menu button again, go to Reset to Factory Defaults.
6. Press Right to select “OK” then press the center key of D-pad.
7. After a few seconds, Kindle will restart. Be patient.
8. When you see the Language selection screen, choose your desired language (by default “English (United States)” and select “OK”.
9. A few more seconds later, you will see the “Set Up Your Kindle” screen. DO NOT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THIS SCREEN! Not yet.
10. Plug in your USB cable to Kindle and connect to your PC.
11. Open the Kindle drive in your computer. If you did steps 1-9, you will find that the drive has been reformatted by Kindle and all your documents are now gone (including the dictionaries that Kindle came with!). This is why step 2 is important. If you skipped to step 10, your documents (if any) are not affected, and you must skip next step, go to step 13.
12. (For those who did steps 1-9) Copy back the documents folder that you had copied out in step 2. You will be asked whether to replace two Kindle_User_Guide files. You can click “Don’t Copy” or say No to this question unless you want restore your last read page on the User Guide.
13. Make sure hidden files can be seen by enabling the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” option.
14. Open the “system” folder in your Kindle drive.
15. Right-click an empty area and choose New > Text Document. Enter any alphabet to shorten the name to (for example) d.txt
16. Go back to the Kindle drive, hold SHIFT on your keyboard and right-click the “system” folder.
17. Choose “Open Command Window Here”
18. In the black command window, enter the command “ren d.txt .assets” (no quotes, and replace d.txt with whatever filename you chose in step 15). Press ENTER key after typing command. Close command window once done. (IMPORTANT: Make sure you get the file name right, or you will have to start from step 1 again, even if you had skipped steps 1-9.)
19. Open the system folder again, and right-click the .assets file, choose Properties.
20. Place a checkmark on the “Read-only” option and click OK. (This step may not be necessary, but I did it so I’m mentioning it. You’re welcome to test without it and post your results.)
21. Eject your Kindle and disconnect the USB cable.
22. NOW is the time to “Set Up Your Kindle”. First of all, connect to a WiFi (internet). Once connected, register to your Amazon account.
23. Once registration is complete, press the Home button (unless you wanna shop or read user guide, but you probably don’t wanna do that now).
24. SURPRISE! No ads! Not convinced? Go to the Experimental Web browser and do some good amount of surfing. Go back to Home screen. STILL NO ADS! Awesome, huh? Not even the “Please connect wirelessly to download sponsored offers” banner! You won’t even find the “View Special Offers” option in the menu. Your screensavers will also have the same effect.
25. Final step: Go to Settings and set the time, and ensure that your dictionary and other settings are set correctly and to your preference.
Enjoy your ad-free Kindle at ad-supported Kindle’s price!
Thanks : Anon7788990 

How do I delete ALL contacts?

Open Contacts app, Hit Menu Key, Choose Options and then while at the main options menu for contacts type either RSET or WIPE and it should delete all the contacts on your phone. It won't appear on the screen that you are typing anything but it should respond once you enter the last letter of RSET or WIPE. Note: This also works for the calendar, by doing the same thing but in the Calendar app.

How do I delete ALL contacts? - BlackBerry Forums at