Move iPhone contacts to any Android

Assalamo Alikom again...

Yesterday a colleague asked me to move contacts of  IPhone 5s to new Samsung mega device.

I tried installing an application called Sync4iCloud contacts from Google Play but it did not work at all.

Then After many and many search tries I could get it :-)

Here is how to move your IPhone contacts to android:

#1 Login to your iCloud Account from iPhone

#2 Make sure your data  has been synced fully to iCloud

#3 Login to your iCloud Account from web browser

#4 Click Contacts icon , wait until it loads , if you get error message try again to open it (keep patience)

#5 Below left click gear icon and click select all

#6 Click Export Vcard  , copy the downloaded file to SDCard

#7 You are done....

#8 Back to your Android device ...Open Contacts , from Menu choose import/Export

#9 Now lookup file in SDCard  and choose it.

#10 You are done again...


It may does not works when you import exported Vcard to Google or Android and you will get Error message.
So you are to convert Vcard to CSV using this great online tool:
Then import your converted CSV to Android .

VLC : Continue the playback where left off

VLC is the greatest media player because it's free and play any media file.

One of the best tricks I have recently found in version 2.2.1 is saving position of playing media where I left off.

It's very useful when I watching my CCNA lessons.

To enable this feature :

Tools / Preferences / Interface / Main Interfaces / Qt / Continue Playback? (Always)

Source :

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