Goodbye 2012...

هنا فقط من أجل توديع العام 2012
و مرحبا بالعام الجديد 2013.
I am writing here just for saying: Goodbye 2012 and Welcome 2013
May ALLAH makes it good for all.
نسأل الله العظيم أن يكون عاماً ملؤه الخير و السلام لجميع المسلمين
و أن يتنقم ربنا للمظلومين في الأرض ؛ تلك العصبة المؤمنة التي صبرت على طاعة ربها.
اللهم اميين

محمد فرماوي

Hooker - A free portable key logger app

Hooker - A free portable key logger app UPDATED

Hopefully you'll only use this app for good and not evil.

"Lightweight Keyboard Spy. Some of the features: stealth mode, log encryption, capturing of clipboard changes and currently used process, log viewer. Public version has several limitations: program shows it-self when started; stealth mode is deactivated when hot key is pressed (without password prompt)."
* Note you may find it hard to read or understand what LOG file contains,so here is what these abbrevaions may mean.

What do abbreviations or keywords like <*5>, , mean?
These abbreviations are used to display all no-displayable characters and some additional information.
<*3>, <*4>, <*5>, etc.Identify repetition of an immediately preceding character, example: w<*3> means "www".
, , , , , Common combinations of CTRL key and C, F, S, V, X, Z characters, accordingly.
, , , , , , , , No printable keys: "backspace", "enter (new line)", "tab", "insert", "delete", "windows key", "home", "end", "pause" - accordingly.
, , , Arrows keys: left, right, up, down - accordingly.
, , , etc.Function keys, from F1-F12.
Currently focused process, identified by "Name" and "PID" of the process.
Current content of the clipboard, identified as "Text".
NOTE: These mappings are valid for current version 2.55, and may be changed at any time.

Get Hooker

Source :ooker - A free portable key logger app:

How to remove an obsolete IT policy from a BlackBerry smartphone

How to remove an obsolete IT policy from a BlackBerry smartphone that was activated on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server

Note: Before you begin, this procedure deletes all data stored on the BlackBerry smartphone, so back up your BlackBerry smartphone before performing this procedure. For more information on how to make a backup using BlackBerry Desktop Software for PC, see KB12487.
1. Connect the smartphone to the computer.
2. Close BlackBerry Desktop Software for PC if it is open.
3. From the Start menu, click Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt , or simply by pressing
WIN logo key+ R letter key then type : CMD.
4. Find the Apploader folder by typing cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader  and then pressing Enter.

5. Type loader.exe /resettofactory

  • Note: Enter your BlackBerry smartphone password if  prompted.
6. Note that after entering this command, the AppLoader folder path is shown again. This means the command was run successfully, which means that the BlackBerry smartphone will restart and begin a wipe process which will remove the IT policy.
After completing these steps, you will no longer have an IT policy applied to your BlackBerry smartphone, so you can restore your data and continue using your device. 

Source : How to remove an obsolete IT policy from a BlackBerry smartphone that was activated on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server «Inside BlackBerry Help Blog:

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Our Walking Dead (aka ImageSpark)

Our Walking Dead (aka ImageSpark)

December 11, 2012  52 Comments   
Thumbs Down


In September of 2008, one of our designers, Greg Washington, began discussing a frustration he had. When starting any design project he would assemble a collection of images. These images are the foundational design research he would do before opening Photoshop or sketching. Over years of projects he collected dozens of folders of loose images on his hard drive.
Most designers maintain private collections of visual inspiration and research to fuel their creative process. Their typical workflow involved going out on the Web and downloading images to a local folder. There these images would sit with a bunch of other badly named files like img4065.jpg and fre566ba01.tif. If highly motivated, designers might bring those images into another program like Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop or Keynote to create a “moodboard”. These files—both the individual files and the moodboards—might get printed once, or thrown into the depths of a server only to be lost.
Greg was looking for an easier way to find, organize and store images that would serve as creative inspiration. He wanted to be able to easily share these images and see what other designers were using as inspiration. He wanted to be able to network those folders that he knew were sitting on everyone’s computers.
We loved the idea and decided to put some effort behind building a site that could do this. Through October, November and December of 2008 about 4 people worked on a site that we called Image Spark. It launched in January of 2009.

Continue reading...Our Walking Dead (aka ImageSpark) | Teehan+Lax

Android: How to Delete All Contacts

Android: How to Delete All Contacts

If you wish to delete all contacts from your Android device, it can be tedius to delete them one-by-one. There is a quicker way to clear them all out though. Just use one of these methods.

Method 1 – Clear data on the device

1. Disable syncing by going to Settings > Accounts & sync. Select your Google account and uncheck Contacts. If you sync contacts with other apps such as Facebook or Twitter, be sure to disable syncing for those apps as well.
Android uncheck sync contacts
2. Go to Settings > Applications > Manage applications > All > Contacts Storageand select Clear data.
Note: This will also clear other data like your recent calls and Favorites.
Andorid clear storage from Contacts Storage

Method 2 – Delete all contacts from the account you sync with

If you don’t mind losing your contacts in your account as well as your phone, delete all of the contacts from the account your Android syncs with using your computer. For example, if you sync your Android with Google Contacts, sign into Gmail and follow these steps:
1. Select Contacts on the left pane.
2. Check the box at the top of the left row to select all contacts.
3. Select More > Delete contacts.
Delete all contacts from Gmail
The next time your Android automatically syncs with Google, they will be completely cleared.

Android: How to Delete All Contacts — Technipages:

'via Blog this'

Auto Filter depending on Cell Value

I have data in a table, lets say the table is (A7:M200) and the Headings in this table is (A7:M7). Column 1 (A8:A200) is the accounts numbers. I already selected the Row 7 (the headings in this table) then I made Auto filtering. Now my request is when I write in Cell (E1) any account number to filter that table (A8:M200) according to this selection in E1. Thank you in advance for any kind assistant. Issa
1. Open the file 
2. Press ALT + F11 
3. Press CTRL + R 
4. Double click on the sheet where you want this functionality 
5. Paste the code 

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 
   If (Intersect(Target, Range("E1")) Is Nothing) _ 
      Exit Sub 
   End If 
   Cells.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Range("E1") 
End Sub

This is based on assumption that you want to filter the 1st column (column A). Change value of "Field" to point to right column 

By the way you can use wild card in E1 like 
1234* ( some thing that starts with 1234) 
123?56??? (some thing that start with 123, then has some character, followed by 56 followed by three charachters 
*1234* (some thing that has 1234 some where)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If (Intersect(Target, Range("E1")) Is Nothing) _
Exit Sub
End If
Cells.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Range("E1")
End Sub

This is based on assumption that you want to filter the 1st column (column A). Change value of "Field" to point to right column 

By the way you can use wild card in E1 like 
1234* ( some thing that starts with 1234) 
123?56??? (some thing that start with 123, then has some character, followed by 56 followed by three charachters 
*1234* (some thing that has 1234 some where)

This is based on assumption that you want to filter the 1st column (column A). Change value of "Field" to point to right column 

By the way you can use wild card in E1 like 
1234* ( some thing that starts with 1234) 
123?56??? (some thing that start with 123, then has some character, followed by 56 followed by three charachters 
*1234* (some thing that has 1234 some where)

This is based on assumption that you want to filter the 1st column (column A). Change value of "Field" to point to right column 
By the way you can use wild card in E1 like 
1234* ( some thing that starts with 1234) 
123?56??? (some thing that start with 123, then has some character, followed by 56 followed by three charachters 
*1234* (some thing that has 1234 some where)

By the way you can use wild card in E1 like 
1234* ( some thing that starts with 1234) 
123?56??? (some thing that start with 123, then has some character, followed by 56 followed by three charachters 
*1234* (some thing that has 1234 some where)

Download example  here....


الدوافع لقول لا أو نعم للدستور ؟؟

فيما يلي مقال رائع يتحدث عن دوافع قبول الدستور المصري للدكتور بهاء فرج أعجبني فأحببته أشارككم به.....

يجب أن نتفق جميعاً أن إعطاء رأي قاطع بنعم أو بلا عن مشروع الدستور المصري أو أي دستور في العالم هو أمر خيالي غير واقعي

لماذا ؟

لأن الدستور عمل بشري جماعي والبشر كلهم حتى لو كانوا من رجال الدين عندنا نحن المسلمين فليس عندنا بشر مقدسون لابد أن يكون فيهم نقص

فحتى من صنعو الدستور بأيديهم لن يكونوا متفقين عنه مجملاً بنسبة 100%

وهذه دائرة من دوائر الزمن المغلقه
أن تبحث عن دستور يرضي الجميع بكل مواده
أو أن تبحث عن كرة كاملة الإستدارة 100%
أو أن يشرب جميع البشر كوب الشاي بمعلقتين من السكر

لذلك فمن يخرج لك بنود لا تعجبه في الدستور فهذا ليس بالأمر الغريب
بل هو أمر عادي جداً

فمن الطبيعي جداً أن نقبل بدستور بينما نحن نرفض عدة من مواده ولكن نتقبل أغلب مواده

وما يدل على ذلك أن جميع دساتير العالم قابلة للتعديل ومازالوا يعدلون فيها وسيظلون يعدلون فيها إلى يوم القيامة

لذلك لو وضعت في قلبك عزيمة أنك لن تقول نعم إلا لدستور توافق على كل مواده 100% فأنت رجل واهم إلا في حالة واحدة
هذه الحالة هي أن تكون أنت وأنت وحدك من وضع جميع مواد هذا الدستور
وهذا فرض مستحيل
وبالتالي لو ظلت عندك هذه العزيمة فلن تقول للدستور نعم إلى يوم القيامة

ولنرجع إلى الواقع وهو أنه لا يوجد في هذه الدنيا ما يسمى بدستور كامل توافق على كل مواده مجتمعة

لذلك فالحل الوحيد هو أن تحكم على الدستور حكماً تراكمياً بعد قراءة ودراسة كل مواده

فإذا كنت ترى أن غالبية مواده مقبولة وخاصة المواد الأساسية فهذا معناه أن عليك أن تقول نعم للدستور

وإذا رأيت أن أغلب مواده غير مقبوله لديك فهذا معناه أن تقول للدستور لا

لقد تم توزيع كميات كبيرة من المنشورات المنفق عليها ببذخ التي تدعوا لأن نقول لا للدستور في الشوارع

وتستند لتفنيد عدد لا يزيد عن سبعة أو ثمانية مواد في الدستور وتظهر فيها وجهة نظر أخرى وتقول في النهاية أنه يجب أن نقول لا من أجل هذه المواد من دستور تجاوزت عدد مواده 200 مادة 

أنا شخصياً عندما قرأت الدستور كان فيه ما أعجبني وقليل من مواد لم تعجبني 
لكن المجموع التراكمي يجعلني أقول نعم

الأمر الآخر الذي جعلني أقول نعم هو أن المرحلة الإنتقالية أخذت أكثر من حقها بكثير

بل إني متأكد أن هناك قوى تريد أن تجعلنا نظل في تلك المرحلة إلى أجل غير مسمى ومستعدين أن ينفقوا كل ما يملكون من مال في سبيل ذلك

لأن نهاية هذه المرحلة هي نهاية لهم

وهم يعلمون جيداً أن هذه الحالة تقود البلد للإفلاس عاجلاً أو آجلاً

وعند إفلاس البلد سيكون بقدرتهم إنتاج النظام القديم مرة أخرى والإمارات جاهزة بالمال وبالرئيس كمان

إن عدم وجود مجلس نواب يقود البلد للدمار
ووجود السلطة التشريعية في يد الرئيس أمر مرفوض ولا أرى منه إلا المشاكل

لذلك فنحن بحاجة إلى مجلس شعب في أسرع وقت ممكن

فلا يوجد مستثمر أحمق سيدفع مليم واحد يستثمره في بلد بلا مجلس شعب وبلا دستور وبلا قانون

ليتني سمعت من النخبة المحنطة كما سماهم الدكتور سيف عبد الفتاح ما يدعوهم لرفض الدستور بطريقة مقنعة

سأقول للدستور

وعلى كل مصري أن يرى النتيجة التراكمية لقراءته للدستور  سواءاً بنعم أم بلا
وليتحمل أمانته 
وليستخير الله تعالى
والله ولي التوفيق

Bahaa Farag
Advance Center Admin Director
Executive Committee Member

Go Launcher EX For Free

* Theme of displaying items in Android OS can be called  Launcher.
I am using Vodafone 858 smart phone which comes with android froyo.
The display of items was not so good.
I wanted it be like the style of samsung Galaxy y .
At last I found an application called Go Launcher ex , but when I tried to download it from Google Play, my country was not supported.
So you can download it from here and give try..

Download APK from here...

Fix : Vodafone 858 Update failed...

After having Vodafone 858 smart phone ( Huawei U8160 ) , I tried many Roms like CM 7,CM9,CM10 and LegDroid 7.2.

One day I tried to update my phone and after restarting it it stuck:
A message say : Firmware update step 1/2 unpacking, update failedAfter many web searches  , exactly after 5 days i found the official Rom.
All you have to do is to extract the attached folder and copy the folder named : dload to Memory card (SD)

* Please format SD before copying folder.

Download from here...