Customize date merge fields word !

Mail Merge: Reformat Date, Time and Number fields imported from Excel
When date, time or number fields are imported from Excel to a Word mail merge document the formatting reverts to general format, as defined in the BIOS of your computer, eg date fields display as mm/dd/yy. You can reformat them in the Word mail merge document and the changes you make will remain in the document. Follow the steps outlined in this article to reformat them.

Date Fields imported from an Excel file to a Mail Merge document 

  1. In the Word mail merge document, select the imported date field.
  2. Right click over the selected field and choose Edit Field... from the menu commands to open the Field dialogue box.
  3. Click on the Field Codes button (bottom left of Field dialogue box)
  4. At Advanced Field Properties (top right of dialogue box) you will see a box with information similar to the text below

    MERGEFIELD StartDate
  5. Type the following after the name of the field

    \@ "dd-MMM-yy" to see date in the format 25-Feb-10
    \@ "dd/MM/yyyy" to see the date in the format 25/02/2010
    \@ "dd MMMM yyyy" to see the date in the format 25 February 2010
    \@ "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy" to see the date in the format Friday, 25 February 2010

    There are others, experiment if you want other date formats.

    The box should now look similar to this: MERGEFIELD StartDate \@ "dd-MMM-yy"
  6. Click on the OK button on the Field dialogue box.
The document will remember the format you have given the date, so when you run the mail merge again you do not have to repeat the procedure.

Time Fields imported from an Excel file to a Mail Merge file

  1. In the Excel document, make sure that the time is entered correctly, eg 13:45, you may find it formats itself as a date, in which case you should highlight all of the cells that will hold time values, click on the Format menu and select Cells. On the dialogue box with the number tab selected, choose the custom category and scroll through the custom formats and select hh:mm - this will format the time correctly.
  2. In the Word document, select the imported time field.
  3. Right click over the selected field and choose Edit Field... from the menu commands to open the Field dialogue box.
  4. Click on the Field Codes button (bottom left of Field dialogue box)
  5. At Advanced Field Properties (top right of dialogue box) you will see a box with information similar to the text below

    MERGEFIELD Arrival Time
  6. Type the following after the name of the field

    \@ "HH:mm" to see time in the format 13:45
    \@ "HH:mm:ss" to see the time in the format 13:45:30
    \@ "h:mm AM\PM" to see the time in the format 1:45 PM
    \@ "h:mm:ss AM\PM" to see the time in the format 1:45:30 PM
    The box should now look similar to this: MERGEFIELD Arrival Time \@ "HH:mm"
  7. Click on the OK button on the Field dialogue box.
The document will remember the format you have given the time, so when you run the mail merge again you do not have to repeat the procedure.

Number Fields imported from an Excel file to a Mail Merge document

  1. In the Excel document, make sure that the number is a numeric value, and not a text value.
  2. In the Word mail merge document, select the imported number field.
  3. Right click over the selected field and choose Edit Field... from the menu commands to open the Field dialogue box.
  4. Click on the Field Codes button (bottom left of Field dialogue box)
  5. At Advanced Field Properties (top right of dialogue box) you will see a box with information similar to the text below

  6. Type the following after the name of the field

    \# "0.00" to see number in the format 1234.50

    \# "#,##0.00;- #,##0.00" to see positive number in the format 1,234.50 and negative number in the format -1,234.50

    \# "£#,##0.00;- £#,##0.00" to see positive number in the format £1,234.50 and negative number in the format -£1,234.50
  7. The box should now look similar to this: MERGEFIELD HireFee \# "#,##0.00;- #,##0.00"
  8. Click on the OK button on the Field dialogue box.
The document will remember the format you have given the number, so when you run the mail merge again you do not have to repeat the procedure.
Applies to: Word 2002, 2003 and 2007, does not apply to previous versions.
Source :

Excel 2007 shows cell reference,Formula not value

Once in a while everyone is bound to come across this problem. You type a formula in a cell, then you press ENTER. Bam! nothing happens. You check if a donut chunk went in to the key board and some how jammed the ENTER key. So press it again, this time harder. But nothing. The formula shows up in the cell instead of the result, like this:
Excel Formulas are not working?!? What to do when all you see is the formula, not result
Now what to do?
Of course, you can be careful when eating donuts. But careful donuts sure sounds like a paradox. So instead lets roll up our sleeves and find out the reason for this mishap.

The top reason for formulas are shown as formulas instead of results:

You may have accidentally pressed CTRL+` (back quote symbol, the key below escape key in your keyboard) or activated the “Show Formulas” mode in Excel.
When you do it, excel shows the formulas instead of their results.
To fix this error and get back the values (or results) just press CTRL+` again.

The next reason why formulas are shown as formulas:

You may have set the cell formatting to “Text” and then typed the formula in it.
When you set the cell formatting to “Text”, Excel treats the formula as text and shows it instead of evaluating it.
To fix this error, just select the cell, set its formatting to “General”. Now edit the formula and press enter. (Alternatively you can press F2 and then Enter after setting format to General).

The less probable reason why formulas are shown as formulas instead of values:

You may have accidentally typed a single quote ‘ before the = sign in the formula.
When you type single quote ‘ in a cell excel treats the cell contents as text and does not evaluate any formulas within.
To fix this error, just remove the single quote.

مولد السيد ( العادي)

ولد السيد (العادي) سنة 1901م
وكانت درجاته الدراسية دون المتوسط ،
وتزوج الآنسة (متوسطة) في سنة 1924م
ورزق بطفل سماه (العادي الابن)
وابنة سماها (العادية)
... قضى أربعين سنة في أمور غير ذات قيمة أو نفع ،
وشغل عددا من المراكز التافهة.
لم يجرب أبداً أية مخاطرة أو فرصة،
وتعمد ألا يطور مواهبه ،
ولم يتعاط مع أحد في أي شيء كان،
كان شعاره المفضل
(( لا دخل لي في هذا ! ابعد عن الشر وغن له))

عاش 60 سنة بدون هدف ولا خطة ولا رغبات ولا ثقة ولا عزم أو تصميم،
كتبوا على قبره :
هنا يرقد السيد ((العادي))
ولد سنة 1901م ومات سنة 1961م،
لم يحاول أبداً أن يفعل أي شيء ،
طلب من الحياة القليل ،
ودفعت الحياة ثمنه!
لا تدع الحياة تفرض عليك ما تريد , تمرد وافعل أنت ما تريد....ولا تدع الدنيا تطلق عليك انك...*بقايا إنسان *
مما أعجبني نقله......للسيد العادي 