Run Oracle forms from LAN

Assalamu Alikom,

I can not deny how does this work took time as I searched for it and made many tries between fails and success .

And here is the steps to run your Oracle project from any computer on the Local Network. 

Windows XP is recommened to install Application Server

1#Step : Install ORACLE DataBase 10g 

2#Step : Install ORACLE Developer 10g

After installation of Oracle developer :

goto C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN

then copy the files : 




and paste them to the following path :


3#Step : Install Application Server

download it from here ...

Be very careful before install and follow steps below :

1-download file staticports.conf   from here... and copy it to path  C:\oracle\FRHome_1\

2-Choose Manual install then choose the file staticports.conf

3-After install finishes write down the link appears to access Oracle Enterprise Manager, it looks like (http://localhost:7798)

4-goto C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN

then copy the files : 




and paste them to the following path :


5- Goto path C:\oracle\FRHome_1\\forms\server  where you installed app server
and make copy of file default.env  and paste it in the same place

6- Rename the new file to tr.env (you can rename it to any of yours)

7- Open file tr.env using  notepad

8-Edit the Form_path to FORMS_PATH=C:\DevsuiteHome_1\forms

Important: copy all your fmx  files of your project in the path (C:\FRHome_1\forms)

4#Step : Configure Application Server

1-Login Appserver  by typing Localhost in the address bar of any browser(internet explorer is preferred) or the link you wrote before

2-Choose Forms then  choose Configuration then choose Duplicate then choose New Section
and name it :EFL  (you can rename it to any of yours) then click OK

3-Choose Forms then  choose Configuration then select  EFL then click Edit

4- Edit the following items as followed:
page Title:My First AppServer Application
then click Apply

5-Choose Forms  again and  copy the  link Servlet URL : http://localhost:7801/forms/frmservlt

6- edit the link to be http://localhost:7801/forms/frmservlt?config=EFL 
then paste it  in the browser and click Enter from keyboard

If you are on windows 7 then edit the baseHTMLjinitiator:basejpi.htm

6-Goto Oracle Enterprise Manager then choose PORTS  then select  WebCache     http
then click Edit icon
make it 80 then click OK  then it asks you Restart webcache? click Yes

be sure the Port:80 is not used by other programs on your PC

7-Open notepad then write the following code
Displaying hr.html.

You can get it from here :

save file as rd.html

8- Paste rd.html  in the path C:\oracle\FRHome_1\Apache\Apache\htdocs

9-Goto Oracle Enterprise Manager then choose HTTP SERVER then Administration then Advanced server Properties  then  Httpd.conf

10- Search for DirectoryIndex then
make it DirectoryIndex rd.html

*OC4J  and Reports Server must be opened all time

5#Step : Running Forms over LAN
1-after running project on server   , we got the link like this:

2-replace localhost with server IP Address(you can get ip address  from Start then CMD then ipconfig then press enter)

it becomes

3-From any computer connected to server over Local network  :
 install J initiator

Update#1 : 
You can add multiple users with different Schemes by editing the file :

you  just add in the end of file name , form path   and User credentials like  this :



Then the address to access this users forms is :

Update#2 : 
To display Arabic fonts  well , you must :

1#Replace uifont.ali  which is located in the following two paths :

2#Add Windows Fonts folder in Registry , It's found twice inside  Registry

Thanks to :
ميسم الكرام
Ahmed Elbanna

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