Get highest 3 salary in Oracle 10g

Hello and Welcome back.

This is my first blog since I returned  to Egypt  as I was working in KSA for year and half.

Here's how to get the highest three salaries in HR Schema using SQL.

# Old method was using ROWNUM , but it's not accurate  because it returns the first 3 rows only using the following code :


  FROM   (  SELECT   last_name, salary

              FROM   employees

          ORDER BY   salary DESC)


here's what you  get :

King 24,000
Kochhar 17,000
De Haan 17,000

But  using an other method using Dense_Rank() Over , returns results more accurate.
Here's the code:
  FROM   (SELECT   last_name, salary,
                   DENSE_RANK () OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) top_rank
            FROM   employees)
 WHERE   top_rank <= 3
here's what you get :
King 24,000 1
Kochhar 17,000 2
De Haan 17,000 2
Russell 14,000 3
Thanks for  CodeProject Site


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